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Category - News

Tommy shoes


new dancing shoes for swing dancers

Lindy Hop boots

Guide, News

Article on boots in Swing dancing (Lindy Hop)

New arrivals – spring 2021


Last year we decided to add some new menswear to our catalogue. In the early 2020 we have produced some new and elegant waistcoats. They were all designed and handmade sewn by Basia, our founder. She is keen…

What happened this spring?

News, Stories

It’s been 6 months since our last post. A lot has happened during that time. A lot of good things of course. We have traveled across the Europe: Brno, Berlin, Oslo, Rome, Turin, Ljublana, Maribor, Warsaw, Katowice and…

Winter news


Hello! We’ve been quiet for some time cause a lot happened in last months. We were awfully busy travelling around the fairs and festivals.  We have visited Vienna, Bratislava, Brno, Wrocław, Kraków, Budapest and Zurich. We’ve met wonderful…

Swing Shoes


It finally happened! 200 pairs of exquisite genuine leather shoes arrived and we started the new chapter in our company’s story. The very first pair of men’s Burgundy Oxfords went to one of the top Lindy and Balboa dancers…

Shoes manufacturer


    The company which produces our shoes was founded 40 years ago in a small village in southern Poland. They started as a small family business among many other alike companies in a neighbouring area. The firm…